Splutter, Poompf, Splash

After Gulfoss we were bused to the Stokkur. You know, the geyser you'll have seen that rises majestically into the air every 30 mins.

We were at lunchtime and the 'visitor centre' is a large space with many tourist shops and a food court. I decided to get the obligatory photo and video of this world astounding natural wonder.

The wind howled across the flatness as a crowd stood around the obviously hot pool. It eventually, 25 mins later, went flump

I trudged back to the visitor centre/mall and got myself a sandwich and a beer.

At least I was warm.

When you visit I hope it rises majestically into the air, it certainly didn't for me.
Around the flat rock pool we stand as the Stokkur Geyser erupts with a small burst of scolding hot steaming water. The sky is cloud laden. It's all a bit disappointing tbh.


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