The Night Doris Stopped

I went for an evening drive to take some shots of the sun setting. Night fell, the camera used up almost all the battery, and I called it a night.

Doris (my car) refused to start. 

I sat there for ages wondering WTF I could do. I was out in the back hills of Wellington and ... eek.

One last call could be made. My housemate at the time was awesome, she drove all the way out, used her AA card to call for actual help and a lovely man came out and took Doris to my local garage. 

She was fixed by 11am the next morning - $$$.

Now, some of you may remember that I'd been commenting that Doris was having problems doing her car thing, especially at traffic lights if I recall. I mentioned it over the space of about 12 months. Oops.

She now receives regular expensive servicing and I am a paid up AA member. I also never go driving without charging the phone.
Broken car on the back of an AA service truck at night


  1. Oh the irony, Doris just died and whilst she's being dragged home I suspect she's gonna cost way too much to resuscitate


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