An Event That Changed My Life

WaveAdept, a company started through a passion of two fellas for what we now call "the cloud" and convincing one other to guide that passion.

Alongside the support of Google did great things for a while (this all back in 2009-11)

We ran out first public/invite event to get the word out there just as we closed the acquisition of the company to mates in the US at Cloud Sherpas*

At the amazing Anna Dean created event we had Google giving away goodies, music, MC, and a whole tonne of fun in a packed venue.

We also had a video from Cloud Sherpas welcoming us onboard as their first acquisition. This whilst a  very old school journo was present in the crowd who then told the world, oops.

I never talk to journos now.

Having said that it was a mere blip, our passion for what we were doing had become way more than any of us had thought and this was the event it hit home. It also told me, "You were right about this Mike." That was and still is gratifying.
Ticket to the WaveAdept event (2010)
* Cloud Sherpas subsequently sold to Accenture.


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