
I think we're about 17, maybe a year either side.

A bunch of teens that got together ostensibly around music, hair rock and parts of classic British rock, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Deep Purple and the like - don't forget they weren't distant memories back in the early/mid 1980s.

I can only remember one fellas name, Taff (Paul) on the far right who's house I think we're in. He and I ended up sharing a place in Swindon for a while.

As to why this photo was taken, who knows, probably booking around doing our "album cover shot" holding chair legs, as one does.

I also can't remember why this is in amongst the late 2018 photos, perhaps I was scanning in a stack of old ones.

Anyways, here I am in my brief non-career as a rock-n-roll star - golly I'm trying to look staunch eh.
Mike and school friends pretending to be in a rock band


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