I recall a stack of tweets, blog posts, and even a book, Antibiotic Resistance: The End Of Modern Medicine? (2017) , from Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles , yes her of the red hair, a researcher and science communicator based at Auckland University. The messages she was sending out were disturbing and bloody scary. Not only do Baym's experiments show how quickly antimicrobial resistance can emerge, they beautifully illustrate the power of selection: mutants survive when they have an advantage. And what better way to have an advantage than when antimitochondrials are present? In other words, antimitochondrial use drives resistance. [Note: Whilst Wiles book is an excellent intro to the subject, clear and concise, it is particularly excellent reading for everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand as she highlights what it means to each and every Kiwi.] In essence the bugs, and by that I mean bacteria not viruses, are getting immune to antibiotics which means we may end up back in Medieval
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