"In light of all the not all men idiots ..."

In light of responses by men to the discussions from women online about the murder of Grace Millane in Auckland (New Zealand) recently I stumbled over a wonderful brain dump from Ann (@RUOKAnny) that I think ALL men can take to heart and use as a fantastic to-do list for when thinking, reacting, and becoming active with such events involving women.

The thread starts at this thread - I'll copy and paste the text from the thread below

Walk women to their cars and wait for them to drive off before leaving. Same applies to if you're dropping them home. Wait until they are safely inside. If somebody is inside their car you will see and be able to help.
wait with women for their taxis/ubers/transport home. Say hello and introduce yourself to the driver, note the number plate, and thank the driver for getting your friend home safely. Tell your friend to message you as soon as they are safely home.
if possible, drop your friends home in your uber/taxi/car. If money is an issue for them and they're taking public transport, pay for them to get home.

When you see any women looking uncomfortable in a situation with a man, step in. Introduce yourself and say "hi, I'm xyz, is this man bothering you?" and follow up with "are you sure?" if she says no uncomfortably. Alert a staff member if you are in a bar.
if you ever see a woman being harassed by a man in any situation, also step in. introduce yourself, and say "would you like me to wait with you until he is gone?" and also call the police. If it looks like a couple's fight, make sure the woman is aware there are witnesses & help.
if a woman is visibly intoxicated leaving a bar with a man, tell security to check on them and also ask if she's okay. if the man is defensive and aggressive and won't let her speak, chances are he doesn't know her, and is planning to assault her. Do not let them leave together.
If you see a male friend who won't leave a woman alone, go over and say "sorry I'll let him stop bothering you now" then take him away and explain that she is not interested and he needs to learn to take no for an answer, because women know what they want & don't need convincing.
it's tragic work christmas party season now, and it is very important to make sure the women of your office feel safe. If they look uncomfortable, save them. Don't let any men abuse their power to assault women. Don't let men grope women and justify it with 'banter'.
at parties where drinks are flowing and people might not be pouring their own, watch who is pouring them and if they're putting anything in them. drink spiking is very common in Auckland and it is very easily done as well. If unsure, tip it over accidentally.
The presence of another male is intimidating to predators because a: they know that you will not be as easily physically overpowered as a woman, and b: there is now a witness to their indecency. Use your presence to protect women - stand between them with 111 on your dial screen. 

if your male friends are discussing women in a degrading manner, or describing sexual situations where it is definitely murky as to whether or not she was coerced or consented willingly, ask "did she agree to that?" or "don't speak about women like that"
Do not touch any women without their permission. Do not approach women from behind if they're outside and alone. Do not yell at women. Do not chase them. Do not berate them. DO RESPECT THEM. 
Do not centre yourselves in conversations about violence against women. Accept that your part of humanity is responsible for the majority of violence on women. If you have not perpetrated violence you should not feel guilty. If you feel guilty, deliver yourself to the authorities 
men need to realise you are a part of the global system of oppression which is violently killing women every day and work to better yourself and your peers to create a world where women do not fear your existence. Pretty easy to do if you aren't a piece of shit. 
if a woman seems reluctant or uncomfortable towards you, respect that. if you're on a date or having a conversation with them and you want it to move faster, respect that she may not because she is socialised to fear you. Do not say "i'm not like other men, i'm a nice guy".


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