2013 NZ Census: There Are Some Very Exclusive Iwi

According to the 2013 Census the following Iwi count for around 80% of Māori

  • Ngāpuhi - 19.42%
  • Don't Know - 17.15%
  • Ngāti Porou - 10.98%
  • Ngāi Tahu / Kāi Tahu - 8.47%
  • Waikato - 6.20%
  • Ngāti Tūwharetoa - 5.55%
  • Ngāti Maniapoto - 5.47%
  • Tūhoe - 5.39%
  • Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa - 3.26%
Interesting that "Don't Know" is still so alarmingly high.

Thanks to Julie Starr and NZTE for the New Zealand map of Iwi: http://evolvingnewsroom.co.nz/map-of-new-zealands-maori-iwi-tribes/


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