Gasworks Pub in Miramar - Initial Thoughts [Updated]

As you know Miramar is about to get it's very own DECENT pub, Gasworks - but what will it be like?

So here's my thoughts on what we can expect.
Oh, and yes, I have been talking with the guys opening it and even had a few free beers (Heinken, ugh) at a Friday BBQ - just so you know.

Location - 11 Tauhinu Road

OK, let's get this out of the way right now.
No, it's not in the Miramar CBD amongst the shops, The Roxy and the like. But really, this is Miramar folks, it's about 4 minutes walk away and to be honest if your only reason for not going is because "it's not close enough" then you need to pull ya head out ya ass (whilst you sit in your $30 taxi on the way into town).

11 Tauhinu Road is on the corner of the "shopping precinct".
Now, that "shopping precinct" has been crying out for some love and attention for a long time (since it opened) and has a local reputation of being boring, down-trodden and generally no reason to visit. All true, and definitely how I see it ... SAW it. But remember that is exactly how everyone else in Wellington saw the whole of Miramar until fairly recently, and then The Roxy opened and instantly it has changed.

I believe that'll be the same experience when Gasworks opens - they will change that area.


Overall it's going to be a "family" pub, a "community" pub - somewhere for everyone is their motto.
With more and more specialist beer places opening up in town (and Happy 2nd Birthday to Hashigo Zake and thanks for being the catalyst for that change) the "somewhere for everyone" is a little different. Remember of course that this is not Wellington central and being niche isn't affordable, heck, even Jamie Selkirk has said that The Roxy will cater to it's local audience first and, whilst there will be Film Festival shows, the majority of movies will be aimed at those that live within a relatively small radius of the theatre. Exactly the same approach is being taken by Gasworks.

The bar itself is big with distinct "areas" - somewhere to have a meal, somewhere to sit with ya mates and get a little raucous, somewhere for the families to go and not be affected by those yahoo'ing it up (I will be alternating between both those areas over time :-)

The guys are also keen to have events - be they quiz nights, "themed" nights, specials nights, live music (think small bands, acoustic players and the like and not the full AC/DC experience). If they pull this off, and I see no reason why they couldn't with their experience in Khandallah and up the Kapiti coast, then this could be the golden key to the locals affection.

One other part to the "feel": they will be working hard that during the day the pub changes - breakfast, lunch, dinner will all have slightly different feels appropriate to each; example: the coffee machine will be loud and prominent during the daytime but tucked away in the evening.


How can I put this diplomatically ... how about I state the facts and you make up your own mind as everyone knows what I like in a beer (and don't be fooled into thinking these guys don't know beer, they do just remember it is a commercial venture).

Gasworks will stock Monteiths and DB brands.
Monteiths is owned by DB Breweries.
DB seems to have finally woken up to the fact their market is being taken away by the real beer producers.
Monteiths will be producing more "craft beer" - a misnomer used by the big players when they really mean good/popular beers.
Gasworks will be making sure it is available ASAP.

There you have it.

But it's not just about beer (well, obviously it is but stick with me ;-)
They will have an extensive wine cellar - in fact, a little tweeting revealed that their "98 Colraine from Te Mata Estate" is in fact something to look forward to. And there's the coffee that all Wellingtonians use as a judge of establishment quality - it will come from the awesome Flight Coffee, best known at the central Memphis Belle coffee place.


Have no news yet ... but think quality and substantial.
The word on the street (via their initial "tell us what you want in a pub" questionnaire which they have truly taken as guidance) is good streaks are a must.

I'm hoping the price will reflect their audience and steer away from the "good/solid but BLOODY expensive" fare on offer at The Strathmore Local (their only real competition on the peninsula)

When details come I'll let you know ...

Being a part of the community

I've heard this so many times now from them that it's like a mantra :-)

They know they will struggle if they're not seen as integral to the Miramar community and there is nothing they won't do to ensure that happens. I know they have reached out to local businesses, schools and communities to make sure they play nicely (no, school kids in uniforms won't be served) and see how they can help. Is this mere advertising, yes there is a part to that, but over and above is a real desire to be a place we can all feel comfortable about coming to and know it reflects what we want.

They're also online and using Facebook a LOT, and not in a "we will tell you stuff, listen to our wisdom" way but in a "let us share with you our progress/thoughts and please PLEASE tell us what you think" manner. If Facebook is your thing then I urge you to pop over to and 'Like' 'em for the latest conversations.

And finally, the question everyone has asked me so far - "When is it opening?"
If they're still on track - in 2 weeks time.

[Updated: Got some facts wrong and the guys at Gasworks put me right]

Yip, you heard correct ... 2 weeks ... watch that Facebook page for details!


  1. Hi Mike,

    I took the family (me, wife & kids - 10 & 12) to The Gasworks last night (17/10/11) for dinner & came away underwhelmed. When we walked in I thought this looks promising. We were seated in the pub initially but the staff (friendly & accommodating) managed to find a table for 4 in the restaurant. Our meals were on the small side compared to the same dishes at other similar restaurants. The desserts were disappointing - cheesecake which was not a real cheese cake. Then they charged us 4 drinks that was ordered by the table beside us. Luckily we checked the itemised receipt. I could have gone into detail but this is a summary of our experience. So, not a good start for us. I'm sure they can be quite a good place to eat with a few tweaks.

    David of Miramar.


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