Wanda Harland Mt Vic Gallery Opening (Free)

Flickr: Gallery opening invite!Martha is a whirlwind of a entrepreneur and Christmas is a big time for her, her team, her online business and her two shops, her tweeting as well as being Mum to an ever increasing family ... *phew*, where does the energy come from!

And that incredible energy has now been put into an art gallery! Art, I get the impression, is something Martha has a passion for (much like Courtney :-) and I see the opening of this gallery as a fascinating way of bringing that side of her life into her work arena and having them play together both for fun and commercially. A lesson for us all :-)

So, the details of the Wanda Harland art gallery opening* to which YOU are invited:

Date: Thursday, 19th November 2009
Time: 5:30pm - 7pm
Location: 24 Elizabeth Street, Mt Victoria [map]

Our lovely gallery is opening on Thursday, and we would love it if you could join us.

We'll be featuring prints by Sally Shand, Sam Broad, Emma McCleary and Moira Gaerty. You will be able to purchase and take away on the day, perfect for Christmas presents.

Come and join us for a drop of plonk, a natter and a gawk at the lovely art.

RSVP on their Facebook event ...

* Ask to see the real deal - "bonus picture of my arse in latest newsletter. Hawt!" - tell her I told you (or signup and see for yourself)


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