My Kid's First Experience Of Death

Sadly Anna, Kindy teacher at Miramar Central, died last night from a brain aneurysm.

Jack had some great times at that Kindy and I know Anna was a part of that.

Meg has just started there last week and so, unfortunately, didn't have a chance to get to know her but she's now at a place that is dealing with death.

And so, we've now have "death in our lives".

We've explained what happened to Anna (in appropriate terms, no medical malarkey of course), how we still have great memories of her and how we can always see her in the photos.

All good really, close but not that close.
That will come.

*sigh* - RIP Anna and huge thoughts to her family and partner + kids.


  1. Oh gosh, Mike, that's awful. Our kids went to Miramar Central Kindy, but I'm not sure there was an Anna there when Joshua was there. I don't remember here anyway.

    You seem to have handled it very well with explaining it to the kids.

  2. I know how you are feeling, and have some connections with it as my my 2 nieces at that kindy, one after the other, over the last 4 years, and my sister just finished on the committee now her kids are both at school

  3. @deb - thanks.
    @Gavin - thanks as well

    The Kindy Christmas Do (tomorrow eve) is now a memorial for her so I hope all the parents/kids have a good time remembering her and the times they had with her.

    The teachers have been pretty amazing as well as it has cut very deep.


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