Something For The Little Lady In Your Life

I am so convinced that these adverts will make 'er indoors' life a little bit easier that if you don't receive a warm, loving hug straight from your better half I will personally pop round and let her know she's wrong and tell her to buck her ideas up*

Here are 3 of my personal favourites, from 9 of the most disturbingly misogynistic old print ads from a time back when men were men, women were women and advertisers had no friggin' idea that this would come back and bite them on the bum.

Of course the challenge is to take the ads being pumped out now and work out what will receive a similar posting in 30 years!!

But the real reason I got you here, is to ask you to read this from Che
Finn Higgins - Failed by police, Wellington mental workers

On with the pay off ...

* some conditions apply ... like I won't be doing anything of the sort!


  1. good - they're great

    there is another one with a bunch of white guys dressed up as the black minstrels - pushing coffee i think

    i'll try and dig it out



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