Never Let It Be Said That We're Squid Obsessed

Te Papa, the totally and utterly awesome national museum of New Zealand based here in Wellington, has a blog. It has also a giant squid. Currently the giant squid is taking up ALL of their blog's time and effort which I think is a little unfair as there is so much more going on at 'our place'.

And so I left a comment on the blog stating that the blog seems to be one-tracked and maybe they could spare a thought for the rest of the museum. I pointed out that apart from a posting on 14th July (Roseneath’s dead Pygmy Sperm whale) there hasn't been a non-squid posting since 20th May!

I popped over to their blog to see if it had elicited a response.
It had.
The comment has been removed.


I left a tweet at the same time ... that still exists
Ha! Try and silence me blog police of Te Papa, I will have my say!!!


  1. How rude, deleting comments is bad manners unless they consider you a spammer!
    I was lucky enough to get a guided tour last Sunday and there is so much hidden away in Te Papa; it is a great place and the guides know so much more about the exhibits and are fabulous.

  2. Oops Mike, I am sorry someone here deleted your comment - it is not our policy to be rude. So please forgive us. I agree about being a bit squid obsessed but it i s more about who are our avid bloggers - and so far it has been the squid folk.

    What would you like to hear about? Let us know and we'll do our best to get a great blog post written.

  3. While it's now probably a year too late, here's an interesting archive/blog of one of Te Papa's staff working on the Shackleton hut - It would be cool if Te Papa embraced individual blogs from their staff working on cool things.

  4. Thanks @Lucy - and thanks for getting back to me (us?).
    I suspect it's a Catch 22 - you have squid readers because you post about the squid and you post about the squid because you have squid readers.

    I agree @wanderingnzer - maybe let other staff post and then the diversity will naturally bubble up because of the passions for others things

  5. Indeed :)
    We had not started our blog at that time and were not aware that this one existed. Sometimes, it's just not easy to be aware of everything that is going on!

  6. I agree Mike - we would like to open up blogging to a wider range of staff. As an organisation we have been experiementing with blogs for only a few months - and chose an umbrella / centralised blog for our first attempt.

    After 6 months, I agree that a more individual blogs may be a better approach.

    Personally I would love to get some of our art folks blogging - it would be a great way of opening up the collections. But one thing I have learnt from our experiments is that not everyone is a 'born blogger'.

    So we're definately up for more individual blogs, based around what staff are up to. Will keep you posted - and please let us know if there is anything in particular you want to hear about.


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