is:unread - Show All GMail Emails That Are Unread

As simple as that - thanks Googlist

And there's much more - check out Google's Using advanced search (with video!)
Here's the ones I find most useful:
  • from: Used to specify the sender
    Example - from:amy; meaning - Messages from Amy

  • to: Used to specify a recipient
    Example - to:david; meaning - All messages that were sent to David (by you or someone else)

  • subject: Search for words in the subject line
    Example - subject:dinner; meaning - Messages that have the word "dinner" in the subject

  • label: Search for messages by label (there isn't a search operator for unlabeled messages)
    Example - from:amy label:friends; meaning - Messages from Amy that have the label "friends"
    Example - from:david label:my-family; meaning - Messages from David that have the label "My Family"

  • has:attachment: Search for messages with an attachment
    Example - from:david has:attachment; meaning - Messages from David that have an attachment

  • filename: Search for an attachment by name or type
    Example - filename:physicshomework.txt; meaning - Messages with an attachment named "physicshomework.txt"
    Example - label:work filename:pdf; meaning - Messages labeled "work" that also have a PDF file as an attachment

  • in:inbox / in:trash / in:spam Search for messages in Inbox, Trash, or Spam
    Example - in:trash from:amy; meaning - Messages from Amy that are in Trash

  • is:starred / is:unread / is:read Search for messages that are starred, unread or read
    Example - is:read is:starred from:David; meaning - Messages from David that have been read and are marked with a star

  • cc: / bcc: Used to specify recipients in the cc: or bcc: fields (Note: Search on bcc: cannot retrieve messages on which you were blind carbon copied)
    Example - cc:david; meaning - Messages that were cc-ed to David

  • after: / before: Search for messages sent during a certain period of time. Dates must be in yyyy/mm/dd format
    Example - after:2004/04/16 before:2004/04/18; meaning - Messages sent between April 16, 2004 and April 18, 2004. (More precisely: Messages sent after 12:00 AM (or 00:00) April 16, 2004 and before April 18, 2004)

  • is:chat Search for chat messages
    Example - is:chat monkey; meaning - Any chat message including the word "monkey".


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