Chocolate Fish Death - Did Your Blog/Facebook Contribute?

Head over to Lance's Chocolate fish, bloggers and a tragic death posting:
Horrible news from the inquest of Chocolate Fish landlord Adrianus Johanus Vlug, who the coroner found committed suicide after feeling pressure from “rather uninformed bloggers” about the rent increases at the chocolate fish.

And then head over to the Facebook groups to review what YOU wrote:
I was a member of the Save the Chocolate Fish Cafe group and whilst my comments were in no way an attack on the building owners I s'pose being a small part of the throng counts:
Mike Riversdale wrote
at 12:33pm on September 17th, 2007
Oh you and your practical ways Jo ... how about everyone only drinks at the Chocolate Fish from now on. With transport it might cost over $20 per coffee but I think it's worth it!

I also posted these on this blog and over at Wellingtonista (where I was a contributor):
Finding that I wrote from a, "nostalgia" point of view relieves me as it would have been a major dissapoint if I didn't followed my own advice - Remember, you blog for your future boss / client / relationship


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