Top 10 crazy ways of finding this blog

Been a while since I listed the weird and wonderful ways that people have stumbled across this blog. Before the crazies here's the most common:
  • "Weta Cave" - already, must be very popular
  • "Ubuntu" - quite proud of this, especially as people seem to be finding answers to queries
  • "iPhone" - not sure why as I've not posted the recent news knowing it would be fully covered elsewhere
  • "Rugby" - mostly around the apparent apathy here in NZ
  • "Matarkiki" - again, quite cool that people end up here as I think my Matariki posts are chock full of info
  • "Cat peeing" - obviously a big issue
  • "Fawlty Towers quotes" - a perennial search that has people landing on My favourite Fawlty Towers quotes

The number one search item is ... "miramar mike" - and I can virtually guarantee that the majority is my Dad (true Dad?)

On to the crazies.
I wish every one of you that found the blog through one of these terms the finest and hope you got what you where looking for.
Starting at the bottom and working up to the most popular crazy search we have:
  1. unscrew the cap robert carrier
  2. the cyclone in miramar of 2008
  3. tel me how you like it
  4. prostrate
  5. miramar sluts
  6. hermaphrodite cat crystals
  7. enter the hymen store
  8. boris fucking johnson
  9. weird facts about syphilis
  10. paulsadowski birthday

And after all that my only comments are, "Who is Paulsadowski?" and, "Why have I dropped away in the Breastfeeding in public stakes?" Oh, and it's very safe and quite boring so be aware, I will be unleashing the lad within to drive up the smut traffic!


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