Mr Benn ... Ivor the Engine ... Bagpuss

My awesome brother has just sent a DVD "all the episodes ever" for each:
  • Mr Benn - "and then the shop keeper appeared"
  • Ivor the Engine - "[parp parp] [fsssshtkoom fsshtkoom fshtkoom ...]"
  • Bagpuss - "And when Bagpuss awakes, all his friends awake [yaaaawwwwn]"
for Jack's 5th birthday. I'm sure he knew that I would clap my hands together like Georgie and have a grin as wide as Luke's when I found out ... just brilliant.

For those from that had a 1970 British childhood let these intros (and in Ivor's case a whole episode) take you back!

Ivor the Engine
[23-Nov-2024: Video is no longer available]


Mr Benn

[Updated] Corrected video labels, thanks Ross


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