My standard MiramarMike photo isn't good enough for XING

I just received this email from XING (one of the many social networking sites I am on):
Dear Mr Riversdale,

We noticed that your photo does not conform to XING's General Terms & Conditions XING.

We have therefore had to remove your photo from your profile.

It would be a good idea to upload a current photo of yourself. This would then bring you to the attention of more members and would also help to build trust.

Thank you for your understanding.
I think it's because of this line from this Terms and Conditions:
4.1.2 To post on the XING Web sites only photographs of the User which are not more than five (5) years old and in which the User can be clearly and plainly recognized.
(my emphasis)

Oh well, looks like I won't have a photo on XING then ... weird old rules some people seem to constrain themselves by eh!?


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