Cat is pissing on stuff ... how do we stop him?

Over the past week we've been noticing small damp patches appearing in the house smelling of cat pee, bloody horrid. Had to clean all the clothes I had "stored" on the floor the other day, icky!!!

And today poor old Meg sad on a sopping wet pram as we took Jack to Kindy - cat pee!

Anyone got advice as to how to stop Sugar pissing inside - leave it as a comment and have the Riversdale's eternal gratitude

He has a cat litter which, until recently, seemed to be working fine.
He goes out every day to get a run around (and I suspect a poo in the neighbours gardens)

Let us know what you think we should do, buy, implement, remove bodily (they're already gone) or ... anything to stop the cat pissing in our house.

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Otherwise the cat is going!
And you can explain it to Jack and Meg ;-)


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