Work blog: 3 recent postings

1: Will the Google revolution engulf IT departments? No.

Listen to Kathy Sierra to find out why this picture is here

Will the Google revolution engulf IT departments? is the question posed by Jason Hiner:

Gartner has embarked on a wide-reaching new study of Google and its potential impact on IT, enterprise businesses, and society in general in the coming years. On April 10 at the Gartner Symposium ITxpo 2008 in Las Vegas, Gartner Vice President Richard Hunter revealed some of the first data points from this study.

The two most interesting points were:

1.) The best way to think of Google is as a disruptive technology.

2.) Disruptive technologies create big losers and big winners, and one of the biggest losers in the Google disruption could be traditional IT departments.

My view - no, it won't.

And not for the reasons that early commenter's on the article have listed - IP security or sudden application of charging for the services.

read the full 'Will the Google revolution engulf IT departments? No.' article ...


2: New Zealand government 'Digital Strategy 2.0' wiki

The Wiki approach to complimenting other more traditional approaches to consultation with the New Zealand public seems to be gaining momentum within the NZ government. I suspect this is due to three factors:

This wiki is asking for contributions to the draft of its Digital Strategy 2.0 ( - as has been noted by some, use of naff Flash is probably not the way to go!)

The wiki ( is good though.

read the full 'New Zealand government 'Digital Strategy 2.0' wiki' article ...


3: With so much information - who do you trust?
With the Internet fast moving away from being the "the world's library" and towards "the world's information store" there is a new question to be answered - who do you trust?

The question should be asked from two, interconnected points of view - trust, what is it from the :
  1. readers point of view
  2. authors point of view
This post looks at the first, trust from the readers point of view, with the second being discussed next week.

Let's start with a situation we all have been in - getting a book out of the local library.
With a library you implicitly trust the content (books) you read. And by "trust" I do not mean "agree with" - I certainly don't agree with everything on the shelves in my local library :-)

But why do we trust that the books are what they claim they are?

read the full 'With so much information - who do you trust?' article ...


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