Movember - 4 days to go and I'd like you to sponsor me $20

[Update to the $1,000] Now up to $525
A little over 10 more people to
sponsor me $20 each and that 75% done!

So far I have raised $275
and a huge thank you to all those that have contributed to this total, awesome effort!

However out of the team's $2,851 that's only 9.5% and I've always count myself as at least 10% of anything I contribute towards. Even so, there are 15 of us in the Frovember team (photos) and I think we all can do better - $5,000 is easily a mark we can get to!

I am looking to break the $1,000 mark - that's only $725 to go which is nothing in the grand scheme of things, is it?! And at a mere $20 each I only need 36 of you fine people to sponsor me.

So please, sponsor me.
Can ya put your hand in your pocket, pull out your credit card/cheque book (cash if you can get it to me safely) and give me $20.

However, if you've already given, already nominated your mo to sponsor, already been hassled a million times then I understand and no worries. It's about the money getting to NZ Prostrate Cancer Research and not my ego, my total or me losing mates over it.

Also, I don't need you to sponsor all of it - just $20. More if you want to drop the number of people that'll pay but $20 will be just fine and dandy.

And think, $20 means you will sacrifice such lowly items as:
  • 2.5 beers
  • less than 2 packets of cigarettes - which you/I shouldn't be smoking anyway
  • 2 days of coffee consumption (if you're like me and drink loads)
  • 10 days of newspaper reading - worth it just to stop reading the crap I'd say
  • Nothing of value!
$20 means you give to NZ Prostrate Cancer Research helping NZ men live longer - I hope that's a goal you are proud to be associated with (although sometimes ...!?!? ;-)

If you're a guy reading this then you'll want to be supporting this. If you're a partnered up hetro-gal then you'll want to support your man and his health. If you're a single girl then make sure there's healthy guys around for you to play with. If you're a gay gal then you're probably too cool not to give.

Sponsor me
  1. go to,
  2. enter my registration number which is 77750 and your credit card details.
Or you can sponsor me by cheque made payable to the "Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand" clearly marking the donation as being for my Registration Number: 77750.
Please mail cheques to: Movember, PO Box 87 150, Meadowbank 1742, Auckland

All donations over $5 are tax deductible.

All donations are made directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand who will use the funds to create awareness, increase support networks for those men who suffer from prostate cancer, fund research and scholarship programs.

More photos of Mike's Movember time ...

During Movember (the month formerly known as November) I'll be growin a Mo. That's right I'm bringing the Mo back because I'm passionate about men's health and the fight against prostate cancer. Why...
  • Every year in New Zealand 2,656 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 600 die of the disease, making prostate cancer the second largest cause of male deaths, after lung cancer.
  • The average life expectancy of a man in New Zealand is 4 years less than a woman.

For those that have supported Movember in previous years you can be very proud of the impact it has had and can check out the detail at: Fundraising Outcomes.


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