Fronde's Movember charity run begins giving Fronde the perfect opportunity to grow it's "online presence"

Today's the day gentleman .. you should be clean shaven (on the face at least) and ready for 30 days of serious top-lip-hair growth.

At Fronde have the Frovember team consisting of 10 fine fellows with hirsute aspirations upon your wallet. And awesome thanks to those the discovered our Movember plans and have already donated giving the team a starting total $755 - many thanks.

Through my concerted efforts Fronde has recognised that having a web site (no matter how 'kick ass' it may be) is only the first step in gaining and maintaining a true 'online presence'. It's no good having the website if no-one knows you're there, no-one visits and no-one references you.

(stick with me, this is "Movember" related, I promise)

As part of growing that 'online presence' I have grown and started a select number of 'social networking' sites letting those that do, have and will work at Fronde get in touch, share the Fronde lurv and even let loose a few choice words about Fronde.

The following currently augment the official Fronde website ( but watch this space and enhancements to the Fronde site:

(and back to Movember)

Where will we Frovember team members be posting our photos - at the Fronde Flickr group, of course. In fact, check out the pictures starting to be loaded with the 'movember' tag. I will update this posting with a team photo once loaded by Hannah.

For now ... here's me:

Sponsor me
To sponsor my Mo please:
  1. go to,
  2. enter my registration number which is 77750 and your credit card details.
Or you can sponsor me by cheque made payable to the "Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand" clearly marking the donation as being for my Registration Number: 77750.
Please mail cheques to: Movember, PO Box 87 150, Meadowbank 1742, Auckland

All donations over $5 are tax deductible.

All donations are made directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand who will use the funds to create awareness, increase support networks for those men who suffer from prostate cancer, fund research and scholarship programs.

During Movember (the month formerly known as November) I'll be growing a Mo. That's right I'm bringing the Mo back because I'm passionate about men's health and the fight against prostate cancer. Why...
  • Every year in New Zealand 2,656 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 600 die of the disease, making prostate cancer the second largest cause of male deaths, after lung cancer.
  • The average life expectancy of a man in New Zealand is 4 years less than a woman.

For those that have supported Movember in previous years you can be very proud of the impact it has had and can check out the detail at: Fundraising Outcomes.

Movember culminates at the end of the month at the Gala Partés. These glamorous and groomed events will see Tom Selleck and Borat look-a-likes battle it out for their chance to take home the prestigious Man of Movember title. If you would like to be part of this great night you'll need to purchase a Gala Parté ticket.


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