RWC: Technology, beer and rugby

Rugby was the loser on the day.

I arose from my slumber at about 6am and managed to get right into the England/South Africa game before grabbing a cab to get into the Fronde offices as I was at/organised the Wellington barCamp around e-Government today (more on that in another posting). By the time I'd had a few beers at the after match function (thanks Google), got home, bought a bottle of wine for Liz & I, settled in, caught up and finally got into the All Blacks game at 11pm I was knackered.

I managed to see most of the first half and lost the will to watch just after the All Blacks stepped up into second gear for about 10 minutes scoring tries whenever they felt the need.

I awoke at 1pm, decided there and then that I wasn't ever gonna see the Welsh game through and went to bed :-( I have to come up with a new strategy that involves some sleep during the evening.

Official World Cup: England v South AfricaPool A: England 0 South Africa 36
Wow. Zero. That must be hard to take back in England ... I'll try and find the funniest headlines/write-ups as I'm sure there's gonna be a few!

As for the Boks, maaan, they're looking good aren't they ... thank Christopher we've got the edge on them and know how to take down the South Africans when push comes to shove.

Reviews, photos and thoughts:
Official World Cup: All Blacks v PortugalPool C: New Zealand 108 Portugal 13
Over the tonne is what I wanted - wicked. The 13 for Portugal is fine and dandy and good on 'em. Stand out moments for me were both Portuguese - the team's passionate and tearful rendition of their national anthem and the celebrations when they got the first drop goal. That's what it's all about!

Reviews, photos and thoughts:

Official World Cup: Wales v Australia Pool B: Wales 20 Australia 32
:-( Bum!

Reviews, photos and thoughts:

Official World Cup: Ireland v GeorgiaPool D: Ireland 14 Georgia 10
I know nothing about this game and so I look at that score and think, "Well, Ireland must be holding something back for the French game!" - not looking good for the Irish really is it?

Reviews, photos and thoughts:


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