RWC: The quiet before the storm

Whilst there's some news out there mostly it's quiet before the storm with the opening ceremony 6am on Saturday followed by the opening game, France v Argentina. Check out a few of the BBC photos to get ya in the mood.

Before I go on here's a little something for your 'early adopters' out there - - putting the World Cup into your new fandangled mobile. A Kiwi product and well worth supporting (or even sponsoring if you happen to be TVNZ .. the NZRU ... or Vodafone)

And now, the news round up of the last few days!
We've got sexy All Black forwards (but that might be an NZ secret), the Welsh forwards keeping in touch with the vibe back in the Valleys, total trivia (whistle and coin), Tongan's making the news again by 'eating a pub' (Dropkicks) and the Kiwi's looking to be loved (win and we'll love you long time).

The Aussies feel the French pressure (team), learn all about Italians* before the All Blacks march all over 'em (Sat 11:45pm) and know that the Welsh can't possibly go wrong now that Charlie has sent them a message of condolences support. Mind you the Welsh rugby regions aren't helping - just shut the fvck up until after the competition you wallies!
Scrumback has an excellent posting about how the Welsh have no more second chances.

As I predicted, the Boks are focussing on the Samoans (Mon 10th, 2am) ... can't wait for that game, biff bash bosh!

After a few drinks and some training the All Blacks team has been announced for the Italian game with all four 'pillars of the game' starting:
  • Mils Muliaina
  • Doug Howlett
  • Conrad Smith
  • Luke McAlister
  • Sitiveni Sivivatu
  • Dan Carter
  • Byron Kelleher
  • Rodney So’oialo
  • Richie McCaw (captain)
  • Jerry Collins
  • Ali Williams
  • Chris Jack
  • Carl Hayman
  • Keven Mealamu
  • Tony Woodcock
  • Anton Oliver
  • Neemia Tialata
  • Reuben Thorne
  • Sione Lauaki
  • Brendon Leonard
  • Aaron Mauger
  • Leon MacDonald
Injury news: Brian O'D is all fine and getting ready for it all, excellent!
Stephen Jones (Welsh play maker) is fit and fighting to get into it - awesome!
And of course, we've all heard that Jonny Wilkinson is probably out with an ankle thingy. I have to say that is well ahead of my prediction (5 minutes into the opening game) - hell, I didn't even get down to the TAB to lay my "Jonny Breaks" bet!

Podcast from ARC (Jedi) who's in London and having a smashing time.
Pop along to The Grand (London) at Clapham see the Jedi at perform his alternative commentary magic, you won't be unhappy!

And finally, it's not just the Brit businesses being warned about the World Cup, Kiwi fans are also in the sights:
Bill Hodge, a law professor at Auckland University, made the warning after a union leader had encouraged employers to take a lenient stance with staff coming in late or taking sick days. The comments were made by the leader as most of the All Black games start at around midnight in New Zealand.
Planet Rugby: Injured England fly-half Jonny Wilkinson


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