A weekend of sport

All Blacks losing to Australia was a fair reflection of the game ... well, the last 20 minutes of it. I don't think the All Blacks will be that worried about losing any of the cups up for grabs this year, I'm not that so that's OK then.

Looks like the America's Cup is going to stay with Alinghi - a team based in Switzerland, a land locked country comprising of only one Swiss citizen. Why don't they lose the "nationality" part of the naming of boats, it is irrelevant. And no, the suggestion that only naitonals of the yatcht can race is dumb - it's yatcht club v yacht club and got bugger all to do with nations; it isn't the equivalent of the national soccer/rugby/netball suide ...

On a happier note - the Ories (Miramar-based) side beat Wainui in the Hardham Cup (27-10)


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