Culling the RSS feeds part 2

After the initial RSS cull I noticed a huge increase in productivity as I was no longer wading through masses of feeds to get to the nuggets held within. Whilst the word "noise" is used I have to take 100% responsibility for it being self generated as not one of these sites/blogs/feeds demanded that I add them to my list - my choice.

Also, to reiterate an reply to a comment left:
... the word - "relatively" - it's relative to me and my life at this moment in time - that's what I've tried to express.
I will no doubt revisit these (and the others) when my life changes and probably add some back in (and remove some that I deem useful right now) - the vast majority of the content is still awesome, it's just me selecting what is relevant to me right now.

Well, a few more are off the list today:
[Updated 31st July]
One more to go, BibliOdyssey - stunning prints but too long and I just skip through them

That leaves me with around 210 subscriptions - more culling may have to take place ...


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