My own librarian - me
[Updated 22nd June]
It's been some time since I started with Google Reader and I always promised myself that I would leave every feed in for a time, see (using the 'trends' facility) what I actually read and biff the rest.
That time has come to cull the 241 ...
First to go from my list is:
I'm also taking the opportunity to re-tag things, I now know what I actually look for in a blog and what they are really about.
[Removed from my feed list on 22nd June]
It's been some time since I started with Google Reader and I always promised myself that I would leave every feed in for a time, see (using the 'trends' facility) what I actually read and biff the rest.
That time has come to cull the 241 ...
First to go from my list is:
- BarCamp - I only want the Wgtn.e-Gov details but I can't filter the rest of the world out, grrr
- BarCamp... Google Group - feed not working
- I Help You Blog - hasn't since April
- I'd Rather Be Writing - didn't get enough benefits
- No Right Turn - excellent political blog but, well, I just don't care enough ... may well be brought back
- David Farrar - see previous
- Rest Area 300m - :-(
I'm also taking the opportunity to re-tag things, I now know what I actually look for in a blog and what they are really about.
[Removed from my feed list on 22nd June]
- Dom Post headlines - just don't read the news via RSS
- Dominion Post Local news - see previous
- - World News - see previous
- Radio New Zealand News Headlines - ditto
- - New Zealand News Wire - ditto
- Daily Show Videos - not enough time to care about it
- YouTube: Most viewed videos - I don't care what the world is watching
- Google Video - Top 100 new videos - ditto
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