I have an above average number of legs

Flickr: Three LegsIt's true.
Maths to prove it - first the scenario

Let's have a wee pretend there are 100 people in the world and I am one of them. I have 2 legs. And let's say, like the real world, that most people are the same as me and have two legs, um, how about 94 people also have 2 legs.

Unfortunately there are a few that don't. Bombs, accidents, birth problems and the like can, somehow, leave people with 1 or even no legs. For arguments sake let's make that 3 people have 1 leg and another has no legs at all.

That leave 1 person that may, just as nature can, produce a person with an extra leg (diddle iddle iddle um). This happy person has 3.

Complicated mathematics ...
  • 94 + me with 2 legs: 95 x 2 = 190 legs
  • 3 people with 1 leg: 3 x 1 = 3 legs
  • 1 person with no legs: 1 x 0 = 0 legs
  • 1 person with 3 legs: 1 x 3 legs = 3 legs
  • Total number of legs: 190 + 3 + 0 + 3 = 196
Average is total divided by items: 196 legs / 100 people = 1.96 legs

I have 2 legs ...


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