Wellington awards night this Friday, you are invited to the free ceremony

Come along to the Wellingtonista Awards Ceremony - here's the whole deal:
By now you've either cast your votes for the First Annual Wellingtonista Awards for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence, or you're still trying to decide whether you love Good Luck or San Frindigo more. You might want to get a wriggle on with that, as voting closes on Thursday.

Thanks very much for voting, it's very choice that you got involved. If you'd like to get even more involved with us (ooer!), please come along to our awards ceremony at Mighty Mighty (above Mr Bun in Cuba Mall) on Friday night.

Drinks will start out at 6.30pm and the awards themselves will probably kick off around 7pm.

If you haven't met us yet, you'll be able to spot us easily as we'll be the ridiculously attractive people patting ourselves on the back.

We'll be drawing names for prizes then too, but as we are good people your attendance is not mandatory in order to win. However, what possible reason could you have for not wanting to attend?

If you would like to buy us drinks, naturally a dry martini would be the standard, but we imagine that we would drink pretty much anything you gave us.It should all be a frightfully good time, and we look forward to seeing you there.


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