Crickey, you should've seen the bags left lying around

One thing before we tootle off to London for a few days (4 and it's costing a fortune just to breathe the black air) - when we came back from Stockholm we landed at Heathrow and the baggage claim area was packed to rafters with unclaimed bags (airport security and all that from last week). I was tempted to take a trolley load home with me ... I would've passed them on to their rightful owners, of course, but not before seeing what fun articles had been packed away for that romantic trip to New York.

We had the pleasant experience of having to report a lost piece of luggage (I know, and with all that spare to choose from) and a broken buggy ... thanks BA. Whilst talking with the dude at the counter we casually mentioned all the luggage and, um, er, shouldn't it be "removed and disposed of" as the tanoy system is constantly telling us will happen if we so much as think about leaving unattended luggage around. He raised his eyebrows and sighed, "You'd thinks so, wouldn't you"

The lost luggage was found and returned the next day.

We were given £100 to go buy ourselves a replacement buggy. It arrived today. It has a drinks holder for the pusher ... niiice.

Oh. And, for those in NZ, don't use House Of Travel if you're thinking of booking anything more complicated than a trip to The Gold Coast. They were useless for us and just didn't come through with the goods in Singapore. Other Kiwi's traveling over also experienced hassles and cock-ups ... pain!

The picture, by the way, is a Sunday visit up to the Kymin, the large(ish) hill that sits behind the old family estate and overlooks Monmouth and into Wales or, looking the other direction, into the Forest (of Dean).


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