Seven weeks to go and here's what we've been up to

Flickr: Start of the Mayhill up to WyeshamDerek (Dad(in-law)) has bought us a car for £600 (around NZ$1,800) - a Ford Mondeo, 1998 (black) which I understand from Wikipedia is THE car of middle England ... I have come so far and yet traveled so little.

We've got the movers coming on 6th June to take away the little we are sending over - clothes, toys, books for the kiddlie winkles; music, clothes and odds-and-sods for us. We're also gonna send the cot for Meg and that's probably the biggest item on the list ... oh, the buggy.

Money has been sent to the UK (hence the car purchase) and we'll be booking a night in a cheap yeteasyy to get to hotel around/near Heathrow for the 13th (July, when we arrive - 7:30pm). Dad has mentioned some nice pub/inn near Windsor Castle but it sounds a bit expensive to me, $90/night - what do you think UK-type people, for one night, 2 x adults, 1 x 3-year-old and a baby?

I'm talking with some agencies and, I think, have had the CV forwarded for one London based position. Also had some more awesome feedback about the CV so that'll be updated in the next few days. All looking good.

Haven't found the house-sit yet but that will come just before/after the job is discovered, trust me.

On the emotional side ... well, it can be a bit stressed at the 'commune' with the Riversdales and we're entering the, "Let's just get this going!" stage (I think). We've got a bit of an issue re: having only one car and the possibility of me having it to get to work which my intelligent (and gorgeous) regular readers will have worked out leaves Liz stuck in the house with Jack and Meg - not so good. We'll have to talk through that tonight.

Flickr: Walking homeBetty (Mum(-in-law)) is sorting out the Wyesham home for us with Jack and Meg in the same room for the first time (yaaaay, we can get some "us" time ... whatever that might mean, *wink*). There's a bed for Jack and a cot for Meg so always a place for them to stay over (more "us" time).

And that's it really - getting excited but still some logistics to sort out, none more important than the job and place to live ... it will come folks, think positive and refer me to your friends and even to your enemies (but tell me why you and they aren't getting along first).

And finally - go the 'Canes this Friday!!!!


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