A win to Wales but they'll be dropping down the rankings

Image hosted by Photobucket.comWhilst they won (11-10), *sheesh* that was hard work and, too be fair, undeserved - a drop goal is no way to win such games, should've been all over by midway through the second half. Fiji were unlucky not to win. Standard stuff from Fiji unfortunately, buggered by 70 mins and the final 10 minutes are where they lose such close games.

Well done Wales, I'm happy BUT it's now way good enough and that 6 Nations title is history on the back of the last 2 games. South Africa (next Sat) and Aussie (following weekend) are gonna have a field day.

Unlucky Fiji ... 10 more minutes and you were in!

Bring on the England/Aussie and Ireland/All Blacks games ...

Meg news: none


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