Who voted for who and what the winning offer was

Image hosted by Photobucket.comA few countries are now declaring their hands:

Seems Fiji are likely to apply to host one of the pool matches as well. Awesome idea and what a holiday that would be :-)

Here's what the NZ Rugby Union offered the IRB to win the 2011 World Cup hosting rights.
Source: Planet-Rugby.com: Details of the New Zealand bid

Details of the New Zealand bid
Friday November 18 2005
What New Zealand promised to the IRB

The New Zealand Rugby Union (NZRU) has revealed exactly what they promised the International Rugby Board (IRB) in order to win the rights to host the 2011 Rugby World Cup.

Unlike for the 2003 RWC, when the Kiwis lost out and Australia became sole hosts, this time the NZRU met the requirement to provide clean stadia.

Here's the New Zealand bid in a nutshell...

Rugby World Cup 2011 – New Zealand

1. New Zealand’s promises to the IRB

A tournament for players
* An environment where players can perform at their very best
* Rugby facilities that are excellent and close at hand
* A Tournament based on traditional rugby values

A tournament for visiting fans
* A country that will be welcoming and safe

A tournament for fans at home
* Superb broadcasting coverage

A commercially successful tournament
* Unique partnership between rugby and the Government
* Tournament fee guaranteed
* Conservative budget
* Most commercially successful RWC ever
* Tournament clean stadia requirements met

A showcase event
* A Tournament that runs smoothly and seamlessly
* A Tournament that will be media-friendly
* Stable country and national union

A tournament for Rugby everywhere
* We are the safe option
* We are worthy guardians of Rugby’s jewel in the crown
* Global rugby legacy

2. Key Tournament Details
* 48 matches
* 11 potential venues
* Prime knockout matches at an expanded Eden Park

3. Our Guarantee – IRB Tournament Fee
* New Zealand has guaranteed the IRB Tournament Fee
* Underpinned by a partnership with New Zealand Government
* Joint funding commitment from both partners
* Robust budget

4. Broadcasting opportunity
* Utilises the world’s best rugby broadcasters - wealth of talent and experience
* Superb coverage guaranteed
* Full stadia throughout the Tournament
* Link between teams and fans at home
* Popularity of breakfast TV in Europe proven through RWC 2003 in Australia & 2005 Lions tour in New Zealand

5. Tournament Timing
* Initial proposed timing - September/October
* New Zealand offered IRB total flexibility on tournament timing
* Lions Tour proved June/July is a perfectly acceptable time to run a Tournament in New Zealand

6. Infrastructure
* Tourism is New Zealand’s largest earner of foreign exchange
* New Zealand is ranked globally as a prime tourist destination
* 7 percent annual growth of visitors to New Zealand
* In the last five years accommodation availability in Auckland has increased by 6,000 beds to a total of 36,000
* Even without RWC 2011 a further 10,000 beds are projected to become available over the next five years
* Full spectrum of accommodation and travel options from 5 and 6 star through to budget.
* Unparalleled visitor experiences available.

7. Clean Stadia
* Recognise this was an issue in 2003
* New Zealand has committed to meet the tournament clean stadia requirements

8. Venues
* Range of venues from large to mid-sized venues – all dedicated rugby venues.
* Recognised by players, officials, broadcasters and media as superb rugby venues during 2005 Lions Series.
* Expansion and upgrade of some venues possible – enhancement on Bid commitment.

9. Eden Park
* Bid lodged with guaranteed capacity of 53,000 for Eden Park
* New Zealand Bid includes proposal to expand to 60,000 capacity
* This will provide:
- Increased capacity – additional 7,000 seats
- Better facilities for players, officials, media and VIPs
* Commitment to consult with Eden Park Neighbours’ Association


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