Very good performance from the All Blacks

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI think the Welsh were definitely up against it big time with so many of their first choice players not available for selection and, to be honest, those that did play weren't up to it.

After blowing the cobwebs away in the first half the All Blacks were the only team on the field. Good effort and welcome back to Dan Carter - awesome work. And well done to the newbies.

Shame they didn't use the "new haka" - would've been appropriate. Maybe because they buggered around with the placing of it (in between the anthems) they didn't. Oh, nice anthem singing Haley as well.

Here's to next week (3am) and the Irish game ... golly, I think that will be all fire and tempest!

On a slightly less game focus - if you want some excellent rugby wallpapers for your PC then check out those at Planet Rugby - all teams, both hemispheres and very cool.

And finally, go Helen, Colin and Player X for the Rugby World Cup 2011 bid


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