Now, dear God, swallow me up and take me away right now

Image hosted by Photobucket.comHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ... this is sooo funny.

Brena at Smoothfruity @BrenaSmith posted about Twisted Sister and Aimz left the following comment:
Dee Snider keeps it wheel
Last week, Twisted Sister performed in Brighton. During the show, frontman Dee Snider of Twisted Sister gives a shout-out to the crowd, saying "The balcony is where all the REAL sick motherfuckers are. They can't even stand up by show time. Let's have the house lights up to see them!"

The House lights are raised...

... and the band and audience find themselves looking back at the disabled section of the crowd, full of fans in wheelchairs.

I nearly wet myself! What a prat!


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