Meg arrival date sweepstake

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  • Due date: gone (Sunday13th)
  • Induction-checkup day: gone (Wednesday 23rd)
  • Induction day: Friday 25th

Thursday 24th
Ginny; Femke (3:33am)

Friday 25th

Saturday 26th
Jo Hubris

13th, 14th, 15th; 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd
Jeremy; Jane; Liz; Ruth; Annonymous #1 (11:32pm); Wendy Luke; Wendy (9pm);Sarah; Frogstar; Chicks (5:25am); Carol; Char; Joshua; Graeme; Annonymous #2 (4am); Bron (9:37am); me; Jack; Yvette (3:30am); Matthew Kelly (6:32am); Kyle (4pm); Comfy (late); Steve (2:30am); Jane (1:30pm); Jo; Neil; Wino (7:50am/7:50pm); Jacqui; Rochelle; Big Pete (7pm); Amanda; Teresa (before 9am); Mindi (7:24am); Loren; Miss_Seph; gibb0 (10:30-11:30pm); Milan (4pm); Matt; Zoe; Llew; Frances (2am)

Read the previous Meg postings >>


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