A hankering for the UK

I'm working on a particular project at work with an English woman named Amy and when I colour coded the tasks I had split between us we noticed it reminded both of us of a particular type of cake that isn't available here in NZ.

Then, through the power of Google and a lot of silly clicking we discovered Battenburg Cake!

And, just as I was re-searching that damned cake (took me ages to remember it was Battenburg and not Madeira) I noticed the following at NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown.com, the finest tea-centred site on the interweb:
PG Tips official sponsor of the new Wallace and Gromit feature film The Curse of the Ware Rabbit, have been inspired by the inventive duo. They got in touch to let us know about the great new Cuppa Contraptions they've come up with.

Who amongst us can honestly say that we haven't dreamed of having a remote control kettle? Well PG and mobile phone network Orange have combined their know how to create a kettle that you can set boiling by sending it a text. If Tomorrows World was still on the telly they would have had kittens over this.

Tomorrows World ... now that's a title that also takes me scootling back to my childhood. There was Rod someone, the constant fascination with anything with a "silicon chip inside it", the dude who also did the Air Show and possibly Crufts or Badmington (horses not rackets). I can smell my dinner on the table and feel the Beano in my hands.

And all my hazy memory is cleared and put to rest at the greatest British nostalgia site in the universe: TV Cream - visit and be prepared for a rush of your younger years.


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