Lines to laugh by

The $14 bottle of 'the Prince of beers' is helping - an awesome night despite the NPC final.

Thank you all (below) for making me smile

... until sudden and unexpected explosive diarrhoea forced a curtailment.

Admittedly, we got the date wrong, but that is a minor point.

... we can run around bashing trolls over the head together. How romantic!

... if you looked at it through a kaleidoscope under the influence of some heady skunk and six tequila shots, could have been called romance.

It started innocently enough.


The serious and worrying thing for me is that I'm writing a book about Web 2.0

... I have to admit this guy leaves the very best comments on people's blogs I have ever read (if not actually understood).

Developed a colourful relationship with asthma, but hid this from Roxanne Beiswinger.

Anyway it’s a very nice 3 line mail thanking me for mine and attaching six recipes written in Kiwinese.

No-one understands a word I say, except for the one time I said "where's the fucking coffee?" in a too-loud voice. At that moment, the temperature dropped by several degrees, and Pleasantville suddenly turned into Village of The Damned.

I want a frickin apple mojito thingamy bob! I want a seedy pub toilet! I want pizza pomodoro!


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