Kong - music, diaries and merchandise

Well, it's kicking in to the vast marketing machine we know and 'love' as Hollywood.

You've probably seen the 'parting of the creative ways' with Howard Shore who was writing the score. That must have been a hell of a meeting between Mr Jackson and Mr Shore ... sure they worked it out. Shame the NZSO recording won't be used though, would've been big mana for the Kiwi's and now some Hollywood orchestra gets the gig.
Good luck to the new guy (James Newtown Howard) with a massive 9 weeks to go - 6 to actually write and record the score is what I heard on the radio this morning.

The merchandise is kicking in with some extremely high value articles (feel the sarcasm dripping off that). Check out the stamps, the Ubisoft game, the mobile phone game, the film tie-in books, the figures, the Hollywood lottery, more books ... more to come!

And finally, the post production diaries. They have removed the first 54 of the previous weeks from the KongisKing site because they're all gonna be released on a 2-disc DVD set. I s'pose it was inevitable but I do echo the comment by the KongIsKing owners:

So what happens to the remaining POST Production Diaries we have online? So far I've heard nothing about this, and we will still get updates from Peter right up until the movie opens (I hope), and Universal has made no request to remove them from the site.

This week's (9 to go) is on-line and I have no idea how long it'll be up there so download now:

Alex Funke takes us on a tour of the miniatures stages, still in full swing with only 9 weeks to go before the movie is released. Alex gives us some fascinating insights into making miniature shots look 'real', while they are real in the technical sense, they are after all only miniatures, and some work needs to be done to give them that sense of scale. Some great SFX shots here of The Wall, and Skull Island in general, look at that fire scene...wonder what is going on there!

Oh, and a mate was lucky enough to have their photo taken with the orginal Kong model - cool as (that's not him in the Stuff photo).

First trailer is still the only one doing the rounds both on the official King Kong movie website and in huge and glorious resolution at the Apple site.


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