King Kong (21 weeks to go): Pick-ups starting

The actors are back in town ... probably, not that I've seen anyone but I know the art department kicked off last week and so it's all go for the next few weeks once again. Check out why with the latest post production diary.

From the KongIsKing site:
Peter Jackson and his crew are preparing for pick up shooting. Costumes, Make-up, the Art Department, Greens, Props and more are being prepared. Sets are being re-created in small, compact versions of their previous main shooting incarnations. Skull Island sets next to the SS Venture, Anne Darrow's room next to a poop infested animal's controlled chaos! Behind it all PJ's team prepares with a quick game of '9-Square' (seems like a hopscotch and dodge ball love-child), take a look..and get ready...the cast and crew are heading back to Skull island again!
As you all know, I'll be outta Miramar by the end of the month which ties in nicely with the new supermarket blocking the view of the studios :-)

Still only got the first trailer which is on the official King Kong movie website.


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