Blogging Personal Things

Amongst the daily photos, the silly videos, and the day to day things there is a fair amount of personal articles on this blog, especially under the #MentalHealth label.

Here's the thing that you need to remember about those blog posts, they are written with three audiences in mind.

1: Myself 
This is often a way for me to acknowledge something, something serious, something funny, something.

It's often starts off as a way to get my thoughts sorted, to have a good think, to try and express myself to myself. This is the writing part, that no-one sees, the editing the getting the words down etc.

There are a few drafts that haven't made it out yet, may never. And that's often because I can't define the other two audiences and whether it would be on any actual use, or am I just navel gazing.

2: Rav & Meg
I do a lot of these sorts of posts to pass on to them. For them to have something now but mostly in the future so that they aren't left wondering "What was Dad really like?". Often, not always but often, there is a message in there for them, some advice, some nugget I'd like them to hear.

As an example, It's Been A While But They're Back has two messages, "It's ok to experiment, sometimes the experiment has a conclusion you weren't really after.", AND, "Yeah, something's are for life, and that's ok as long as it's managed."

3: Others that might benefit
Those themes, messages, nuggets of my own insight, can actually be useful to others. These 'others' I have no idea about, and that's why this is a public blog and not just one for me (1), or my kids & family (2).

And so, when I'm writing I think of all 3 audiences, and for '2' & '3', I often have to give a little context, a bit of a back story, - hence the "catch-up" at the beginning of that article.

That's not to say it's something that affects/effects me now, as I'm writing it, but it helps the reader and what I do with a lot of the #MentalHealth articles.

I'd like you to know that, when reading these articles, you shouldn't think that those teenage years (many years ago, last century even) have that much hold over me now. My overarching memories of those times are one's of love, fun, sport, friends, family, and generally awesome times 

I ended this series of messages to my family with the following, how meta has this all become 😁
Hope that helps, AND, I will be blogging that in the future, ha ha ha ha.

Because that is context for me, you, and Rav & Meg.

Welcome to watching me write a blog post 😁

Selfie of Mike Riversdale via the 2016 Prisma app that has filtered / changed it to some art looking thingy, very angled and brown


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