Being Millitant

Further to my 2025 theme of Backfill, I'm also going to step up my militancy against unfairness that I see.

I'll (probably) focus on three things which are so broad they might touch on everything, in no order:
  • Anti-racism
  • Women's rights 
  • Society v immense personal profit
None of these should be a surprise to anyone that knows me. Expect to see me, by the end of 2025, on protests and maybe even being arrested as I refuse to come down from a tree or something similar ... maybe, it'll build over the next year and into my sixties.

As for the biggies and specifics I'll be supporting them financially (Amnesty International & Greenpeace, and journalism) as I always do.

Animated GIF of "Down With This Sort Of Thing" signs from various protests as probably created by Father Ted (comedy Irish TV show)


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