Prostate cancer, 1 in 8 men, 1 in 4 if you're black. Most people (men mostly) that die of cancer (all types) are those that didn't go and get checked early enough. They could've survived. If you feel something is wrong, especially with your prostate (bum, penis, wee'ing, poo'ing, orgasms, lumps bumps or nodules) then GO TO THE DOCTOR AND GET IT TESTED. Jon Holmes Says The C-Word is a funny, insightful, important, and to be honest "about bloody time" podcast with a lot of men talking about their cancers from episode one, "I've got what?! Fuck!" to the end, "You responded well to the treatment". Men such as Stephen Fry, Eric Idle, Richard Herring, and many more. It's fair to say that the moral, mmm let's call it a catchphrase, of this series is Go Get Tested. If you're in the age or race bracket for prostate risk or if you feel like something is off somewhere else don't be embarrassed. To be frank, your GP doesn't...