The 3 Ways Human Life Could End Suddenly

Or perhaps you'd prefer:
  • The superstorms from space that could end modern life
  • I've finally replaced paper in my life as a writer — here's how
  • Why is everyone suddenly talking about cucumber salad
  • How Industry’s Eric and Harper became the most fascinating relationship on TV
  • Are AI-created recipes hard to swallow?
All real stories shared to my eyeballs from players like RNZ and the BBC, some from Stuff and other "newspapers", and some from websites that exist now to merely make advertising dollars.

It's all just bollocks eh, no wonder those with a slightly less than critical approach to information are getting disenchanted with "the media". Imagine if every time you went to a page coz the headline you were genuinely interested. On arrival and a quick read you very soon realise it's just another "blah blah reckon blah", how fucking annoying.

Over time this chips away at the soul and eventually it's, "The mainstream media is just full of crap and makes shit up."

No, no it doesn't.

Yes, it does though, all that filler, all that one column shite, all that desperate grasping for eyeballs, means the majority of the media (mainstream, social, special, new, all of them) is just bullshit, to keep the machine churning.

I'd love an editor / publisher to say to their team, "We are only gonna focus on 5 stories per week. We will cover them from all the angles we can in the way we're known for, we will share them wide and shout about these five stories constantly. Everything else will be off the front page, not shared, but totally there for those that wanna dig through our publication."

And then, at the end of the week they swap out 2 stories, if they feel the need. That's it.

Focus, depth, and less shouting, "BLAH BLAH  RECKON BLAH!!!". Perhaps more indoor level conversations / information dissemination.

Oh god, please someone do this.

AAAAAAND, to combat the, "But there is not much going on that could sustain a week's reporting!" right now:
  1. Gazza
  2. Weather / climate
  3. Major politic story
  4. Major sport thing
  5. "And finally ..."
That'll do, the rest of "news" can of course be created just not shoved out there. People will find it if they want.

We'll get used to reading about the stories that each organisation decides upon, for a week we can get right into the wrinkles them.

AAAAAAND, I do recognise that 'newspapers', be they physical or online, are and have only really ever been, advertising methods with news the MacGuffin to get it into the consumers hands. Unless you're the BBC.

Daily Prophet newspaper from the Harry Potter books/movies with a large photograph of Mike Riversdale surrounded by headlines such as, "To the rescue", "New recruit signs on", and, "A talent like no other says Minister"


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