In my experience there is a common set of steps that people go through when pondering counselling. Before I start let me state very clearly that counselling is NOT the be all and end all, it is NOT a one size fits all issues, and it's certainly NOT for everyone. BUT ... when you find that life gets you down, and things seem hard or tough, perhaps people are stupid, obnoxious or daft, and you feel that you've had quite eno-o-o-o-o-ough, then perhaps counselling could help. So, those steps I have seen and experienced: I don't need counselling I wouldn't even know how to start I tried it once, it's was ok I s'pose I think I might give it another go I'm still not sure about this I'm getting something out of it Some people go through all six steps in one session. These are the, probably, the lucky ones. I wouldn't presume to discuss step 1 with you, this is between you, your pets, your gods, and whatever else happens within your head. Step 2 is a logisti...