Thank You From A 50 Year Old

(what I said to the "Mike circle" on Saturday)

Thank you for that Dan.

Thank you ALL for coming, you didn't have to. You didn't have to join in me in my dress up passion. You didn't have to come out to Miramar. You didn't have to come to a 50th birthday do. You didn't have to, but you did and thank you.

Thank you for those that made this happen. All of this is above and beyond and I didn't do any of it - the following people did, charge your glasses to: Adam, Dan, Liz, Raj, Birgit & Manfred and Zoe

It's been a tough year. It's been a growing year.
Those that know, know. I am physically standing before you because of the love, support and partnership of my hero, Liz

Thank you Liz. I love you.

My friends, those here and those that decided weddings or not paying for massively expensive plane ticket was a better deal, for being there for me and not allowing me to do it alone

My family for standing next to me, no matter what

My kids for understanding and giving me the hugs through the tears and, by being wonderful human beings each and every day, making me proudest man ever.

Back to Liz: for the love so deep it sometimes scares me as it allows me to be a better man

Liz: for not taking any shit anymore, and showing me what I have to lose, or more importantly, what the true prize in life is, the love of a partner that will not give up on you.

Thank you to all, and all I can I ever hope is that I can give back to you what you have so generously to me

I am now going to cry and the chances of any of you getting out of here without a hug are slim to zero ...

Please, enjoy the evening, join us later at our home if your party gland wants more and, I love you all.


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