Ooh, bad business move to do in this electronic & shareable world of ours

[Updated at 11pm (24hrs later)] The story is now at:
And then there's the case of the Warehouse worker fired for chatting on her Bebo account.

What do you think about it all?

[Updated] Have just got the whole email conversation sent to me (happy to pass on). I give it until Saturday before it's in the news, earlier for non-NZ based media.

[Updated again] Old media is catching up - story is on NZ Herald. And here's the KiwiBlog entry that I'm sure will be how most bloggers get to hear about it.

[Updated one more time] Spare Room has further evidence of this lady's email rudeness that now appears on websites near you


This from Spare Room via Martha:
Just like the marquee company who called their client’s wedding ‘cheap and tacky’ in an email, the owner of the Gourmet Food Store Margaret McHugh shows little restraint in an email with one of her clients…

Trying to organise a function, Hayley from Ray White Real Estate in Auckland was politely querying the quote, and other details of her order, when she got this terse reply from Margaret ...

And it's well worth the click to read the full account over at Spare Room ...


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