Harry Potter ... done. SPOILERS!

It's a slaughter fest that's certainly a page turner. I thoroughly enjoyed it up until the last few pages and, on reflection, am feeling a wee bit let down. The end wasn't dramatic enough, wasn't HUGE enough ... just happened.

As for the "19 years on" bit, who cares ... and that Ron marries Hermione and has kids (as does Harry and Ginny ... yes, he survives and Voldemort dies) I was left thinking, "Where did that come from??". I know the author's been trying to intimate that there's something going on between Ron and Hermione but, well, it didn't grow enough and there was one passionate kiss between them (base 1 only guys) in the heat of battle (as if JK Rowling had suddenly thought, "Oh shit, gotta get these together and it's 10 minutes from the end of the film 4 chapters from the end of the book).

I think the ending will be much MUCH better in the film version!
Ach, it's just a book

And maybe Scaryduck should've written the whole thing anyway - a sample:
How Harry had tricked her, used his dark magic to pull the wool over all their eyes. All that time they were running afraid of Voldemort, when the real evil was right in front of her, plotting, scheming, running his hands through her hair and over her pert, young breasts. Taking her. Taking her for everything she had.


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