Tana's handbag

[Updated Sat 4-June] Done deal. All sold. NZ$22,800. This has been THE talking point this weekend around the country. I have to say, timing, opportunity and "silly season" (between Super 14 and All Blacks) has just driven this. On the woman for getting on to TV with it ... TradeMe must be laffing all the way to the bank - if you'd just bought something for NZ$squllions you'd want to be headlines for a full 3 days - wouldn't ya?

[Update 11:42am]
Wholly schmolly, NZ$4,500 ...

You've seen the pictures now go buy the real thing: Hurricanes Handbag & Cellphone for sale - yours for NZ$3,010 (as at Fri 2nd, 9:33am)
Tana's lethal weapon


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