Melanoma has entered the Riversdale household

Cancer Society NZLiz had a mole removed a few weeks ago on the excellent advice of her GP. This morning she was called by her GP with the news that it was a Level 1 melanoma and she'll need to come in to have a bit more taken out and then some more tests done.


Suddenly everything else pales into the background.

The doctor has arranged for the consultation (with a plastic surgeon ) next Monday then she'll booked in for an "operation" to remove some more from her ankle. That 'more' and some from the newly dug hole will then be sent off to be checked and if everything is fine that's it. If not then we start on the road of getting rid of it - radiotherapy and whatever happens next.

Not what anyone really wants is it! Thank golly her doc was onto it so early and there's every chance it'll be sorted within a few weeks.


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