Does your blog suffer from the 'top 10 mistakes'?

As part of my on-going quest for the perfect website (and a blog is merely a website) the latest Usability report from Jacob Nielsen is of high interest: Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Mistakes

Jacob has been running with the 'usability' for many years and has built a reputation of questioning the norms, challenging us all to get better and reviewing whether we actually are.

Anywho, here's the top ten mistakes - check out the site for the details:
  • No author biographies
  • No author photo
  • Nodescript posting titles
  • Links don't say where they go
  • Classic hits are buried
  • The calendar is only navigation
  • Irregular publishing frequency
  • Mixing topics
  • Forgetting that you write for your future boss
  • Having a domain name owned by a weblog service


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